Promotions & Specials

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Sculpted Contours - Luxury MedSpa in Atlanta, GA

Specials & Promotions

March Promotions

Luck of the Irish 

CoolSculpting Confidence 150 Day Membership Program

Our CoolSculpting Membership Program 

This is our BEST Price We’ve EVER offered on CoolSculpting treatments.  

Get Started on your CoolSculpting today and you’ll be sculpted before Summer Swim Suit Season!  

CoolSculpting Membership for 150 Day Program in Alpharetta, GA.

If you can pinch it, we can freeze it!!  

What areas concern you?  Pick one, pick two or more!  There are even more areas we can treat with CoolSculpting.  You decide what areas you want to slim down with the powerful, amazing CoolSculpting treatments.  We create a customized treatment plan just for your body and you are on your way to a slimmer you.

Choose Any Two AReas $1760* First Session

Add on As Many MOre Areas As you Want $560* Each ARea (includes both sides)

Treat those areas again and Again...And Again
Multiple Treatment Sessions within 150 Day Program
As Low as $320 Per ARea

Which two areas will you choose?

CoolSculpting treatment areas mapped on female body, showing target zones for best results.

All purchases must be complete and paid in full by the end of the promotional period to qualify for the promotion. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Check out the pages on the website for all the details about CoolSculpting and the CoolSculpting Membership Program. Procedures require a consultation appointment prior to purchase.  *Pricing includes 2 standard size applicators per area.  Plus and Flat Panel Applicators are slightly more.  

Schedule your personal consultation with our expert team to confirm you are a candidate for the procedure you are interested in.

No cash value. No trade in value. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount with the exception of Alle’ rewards points for CoolSculpting. Cannot be used for prior purchases. Valid only during promotional period. Must qualify as a candidate for the procedure before a purchase can be made. No exchanges for any other service or procedures.FebMar

Call to schedule your consultation appointment or complete the form at the top of the page and one of our office staff with reach out to you or call us at:  


Promotion Details

Promotional Discounts cannot be combined with other promotional offers or discounts unless otherwise specified. Promotional Pricing is good only during the specified dates. All purchases must be made during the promotional period to receive the discount. No exceptions. Promotional Discount cannot be applied to previous purchases. Consultations for most procedures are REQUIRED. Schedule your consultation during the promotional period to confirm you are a candidate for the procedure you are interested in. Prior consultations do not need another consult, just call the office to confirm and purchase.

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This Month's Specials